Embracing the Leap

Imagine you're on a trapeze, soaring high above the ground. You hold onto the bar tightly, feeling a mix of exhilaration and fear. The bar represents the comfort zones, habits, and familiar patterns in your life. While holding onto it provides a sense of security, it also keeps you from experiencing the full potential of your journey.

Letting go of the bar can be daunting. It means trusting yourself, embracing uncertainty, and believing in your ability to catch the next bar. It involves letting go of fear, doubts, and the need for control. But it's also in that moment of release that you experience true freedom, growth, and the thrill of swinging forward.

Reflecting on my own journey, there was a pivotal moment when I had to let go of my own trapeze bar. After 30 incredible years at Workout 32789, where I built strong relationships and created transformative experiences for my clients, I made the difficult decision to leave and venture out on my own. This was my leap into the unknown, a step away from the familiar security of a well-established environment . Things didn’t go as planned with Covid …However, it was through this bold move that I discovered how to combine physical coaching to mindset coaching .

This leap was not easy. It required me to trust in my abilities and embrace the challenges ahead. I now realize by letting go of the bar I had held onto for so long, I’m  swinging  into new opportunities that align with my passion for inspiring and empowering others.

As a coach, I guide and support you in this process. I’m here to help you build the courage to let go of the bar and embrace the unknown. I’ll be there to cheer you on as you swing to new heights, helping you see that the journey itself is as important as the destination.

So, when you find yourself holding onto something that feels secure but is holding you back, remember the trapeze. Trust in your ability to let go, swing, and reach for the next bar. The momentum you build through each leap will carry you to places you never imagined possible.

judi isaacson