Unlock Your Potential: The Power of 1% Better Every Day

Do you often find yourself caught in the web of busyness, using it as a shield against workouts, proper nutrition, or personal development? You're not alone. For years, the "I'm too busy" excuse has been a common refrain, echoed by countless individuals—including myself. That is, until I stumbled upon a powerful mantra that changed the game: "Get 1% better every day."

My mentor, Todd Durkin, had this saying stuck on repeat and it WORKED! It STUCK! 

It may sound simple, but the impact is profound. When I dived deeper into what 1% of a day truly amounts to, I was astonished to find it's merely 15 minutes—900 seconds. Could dedicating this small fraction of your day lead to significant changes? Absolutely.

15 Minutes:

Over the past 30 years, I've encountered countless individuals grappling with the "too busy" excuse. Too busy to work out, too busy to eat right, too busy to read, too busy to write. The list goes on. I was no exception, especially when it came to writing. The act never came naturally to me, and my attempts often ended with the thought, "It's too hard."

Your 15 Minutes a Day Journey:

However, I stumbled upon a game-changing piece of advice: start with just one sentence a day. It was a permission slip to be okay with not being an overachiever in every aspect. Surprisingly, it worked. That one sentence became two, and soon, writing became a liberating experience—an outlet for struggles, hardships, and truths too difficult to voice aloud.

In various corners of my home, you'll find journals, workbooks, and notepads. They serve as a reminder that when the urge to write strikes, there's no excuse to say, "I can't find something to write in.” ’Im proud to say this past year I have filled 5 journals!

So, I encourage you to set aside 15 minutes a day for your personal 1% journey. Getting started is undeniably the toughest part, but committing to 900 seconds a day creates a habit that you'll soon become hooked on.

More 15-Minute Ideas for Personal Growth:

  1. Reading Personal Development Material:

    • Choose a self-help book, article, or blog post and dedicate 15 minutes each day to expand your knowledge and gain valuable insights.

  2. Walking Quietly in Nature:

    • Take a peaceful stroll in a nearby park or nature reserve. Use this time to clear your mind, appreciate the surroundings, and focus on mindfulness.

  3. Prepping Veggies:

    • Use 15 minutes to chop and prepare veggies for your meals. This can save time during your busy week and encourage healthier eating habits.

  4. Helping a Neighbor or Friend in Need:

    • Volunteer 15 minutes of your time to assist a neighbor or friend who may need support. It could be as simple as running an errand or offering a helping hand.

  5. Bodyweight Workout Anywhere:

    • Design a quick and effective bodyweight workout routine that can be done in just 15 minutes. Include exercises like squats, push-ups, lunges, and planks to improve your physical fitness.

Remember, the power of 1% better every day lies not just in the incremental improvement but in the habits you form and the self-love you cultivate. So, start small, be consistent, and watch as these seemingly modest efforts accumulate into transformative change. It's time to unlock your potential—one percent at a time.

“Magic happens outside your comfort zone!"

judi isaacson