5 Daily Habits to Propel Your Dreams and Goals

“Do you work out all day?”

“How do you have so much energy?”

“I bet you eat clean all the time!”

These are a few of the questions and comments I get from people who don’t know me. For those of you who want some answers, here is a glance into my typical weekday. 

 I do not work out all day, I just do it EVERY day. I get A LOT of sleep and I nap, too.  

I do not eat perfectly -but I do it 85% of the time.

Most of my days are filled with choices or decisions that have become HABITS. My choosing to make these has evolved over time. I have learned through my mistakes what works best.  There are many obstacles I have gone through to get to this place.  I now know those were OPPORTUNITIES that helped me grow.

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So where are the opportunities that can help you grow, too? We can find them every day and most of them are small but meaningful changes.

Here are five of my best daily practices:

1) Join the 5:00 am Club

I am a long-standing member. Do I love when the alarm goes off Monday through Friday? NO. But that is the hour the magic happens for me.

By getting up early I have time for myself. Time for my coffee, journaling (writing down goals), emails, and workout.  When I get to work I am 100% laser-focused on my job and present with my clients  I never have said jeez I wish I would have slept in today. I love being ahead of the game.

For this to be possible  I get to bed early. I need those 8 hours!  Sleep is a must for all of us to be at our optimal level. Without it you are stressed, eat more, and irritable. Know when you have to wake up and go to bed 8 hours before that time. I turn my phone into “do not disturb” mode from 8 pm to 6 am.

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2) Go for Nutrition 80-90% of the Time  

I love challenging myself to find new and creative ways to make food beautiful, tasty, and healthy. Prepping for the week keeps me on track. I know there is going to be nutritious foods waiting for me when I get home, hungry from work. My favorite meals are the ones that have the most color.

Mornings, I usually whip up a quick shake with Shakeology , almond milk, and berries. 

Salads filled with all different colors of veggies are my main go-to for lunch. This is the meal I eat as plant-based. Easy proteins such as beans, lentils, and nuts are usually drizzled on top.  

A plate of salmon, with green asparagus, yellow beets and red tomatoes are one of my go-to dinners. And for desserts, if I want one, I do not deprive myself (this just creates sabotage). For instance, if I want ice cream or a cookie, I will eat the real deal. BUT I do this in moderation. 

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 3) Create Some Quiet Time

In the afternoon I take some time to shut down. … No noise …reading a personal development book  and power naps are my forms of meditation.  Amazing what it does for your soul! 

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4) Find Mentorship

I am in a mastermind group with other driven and inspirational fitness individuals. We are a tribe of 100 from all over the country led by our mentor, Todd Durkin.  Growing daily with empowering, encouraging souls.  

Be a lover of continued education.  There is so much to learn. From computer programs, to leadership, to how to be a better spouse or parent.

On my afternoon walks with the dogs I always have a podcast ready to go.  Some of my favorites are Robin Sharma, Martin Rooney, and Tony Robbins and Todd Durkin

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5) Make Dinner Time and Early to Bed Sacred  

As an empty nester I love having this time with my husband David. We both love cooking. After 26 years of marriage, I realize the importance of continued open and honest communication.  No TVs or phones during our meals. We can share our day with one another over dinner and wine. (Yes, I do this every night, too.)
Early to bed. I need those 8 hours!  Sleep is a must for all of us to be at our optimal level. Without it you are stressed, eat more, and irritable. Make an early bed a priority!

So I urge you to take that first step…DO SOMETHING that will propel you forward towards your dreams and goals!  What are some of your best practices? I would love to know?  Please share them with me!  

Magic happens outside of your comfort zone!


Bess Auer