Doing This 1 Thing Each Day Can Change the Direction of Your Life

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Time is a peculiar thing, and many of us have found that the older we get, the faster time seems to pass. You may feel stuck in a rut and like life has passed you by. Maybe you’re doing the same thing day in and day out: the laundry, picking up after the kids, cooking the same dinner, and going to bed exhausted. This is not what you dreamed about when you were a little girl.

The good news is it’s never too late to reignite that spark and feel energized about your life. And I’ve got one simple activity that you can do each day that can drastically change the direction of your life.

Examine the Size of Your Wake

As my friend and mentor Martin Rooney talks about, it’s time to take a look at the size of your WAKE. “History is written by those that make the wake, not by those who ride on it or safely or watch it from from the shore” 

Take a moment to examine your current wake. If you are not happy then it’s time to change the course.

These are Martin’s five steps to leave the right wake BEHIND you:

  1. Get off your BEHIND

    This means .get up! Get in the water and get moving—YOU DECIDE -YOU DRIVE— you are in control of your own ship.

  2. Recognize the size of your BEHIND.

    Everything you do matters. The food you eat, the conversations you have, the energy you expend. Your actions and inactions have consequences.

  3. Plan the future of your BEHIND.

    Waves will echo behind you into eternity. Think about how you want your past to look.

  4. Work on your BEHIND

    Nothing happens until you do! TAKE ACTION. It’s not what you think about all the time; it’s about the actions you take. They should be consistent and deliberate.

  5. Look at your BEHIND.

    Look into that rearview mirror and see how big your wake is. The past is powerful. Are you moving in the right direction?

I believe this is a great practice to see where you are and assess how you're doing.

Take Action:

Journal for 30+ minutes on what you want the next two months of your life to look like. 

It’s only by purposefully crafting a life, writing down the blueprint, that we can determine the first step toward it. Daily reflection of both our past route as well as our future one has a direct impact on the quality of our life.

The more you write, the more your spirit is moved. The more your spirit is moved, the more emotion you invoke. The more emotion that is invoked, the more MOTION that happens. And that is the name of the game!

Bess Auer