Circle of Genius: Meet Tyler Alden

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Who is in your Circle of Genius? Those are the ones who lift you up, believe in you, and support without judgment.

Tyler Alden is part of my circle! A lady who is brave, courageous, tenacious, and makes me laugh out loud!

 After attending The Amelia Women’s Empowerment Retreat, she had a BIG GROWTH SPURT! She did the hard work and now is reaping the benefits. 

“This was my first retreat in my life. I went in somewhat skeptical as I am not one to delve deeply. I did the work and was amazingly surprised by what I got out of it. I received direction, clarity, and release.

On the last morning of the retreat, we had a morning yoga session. During that session were asked to write down an intention for 2020 or write down something that we wanted to release into the atmosphere. I chose to do both! After we did this, we put our papers in a biodegradable box to throw them to the ocean. Judi chose me to throw it into the ocean. After I did that, I felt a huge weight off of my shoulders. I had released the fear.

My 2020 intention was to achieve peace. It did not happen that day but rather two days later. Just as I was going to sleep, I felt such a sense of peace envelop me. I have not been sleeping well for several months. I am happy to say that I am sleeping very well these days. If you have an opportunity to go on one of Judi’s retreats, be open to it as you may walk away with so much more than then when you arrived.”

Tyler, I am so proud of your courage!! Thank you for Braving the Wilderness with me!

Bess Auer