Prep Day for the Week: Save Money and Eat Healthier

Are you looking to save some money while making your health your number one wealth? How many meals are you eating out in a week? 

The average American person spends about $3,000 a year dining out, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, cooking at home makes you healthier!

This concept is a no-brainer. Preparing your food at home will make you a healthier person because you will be able to control what you and your family are eating. You can cook meals that contain the proper balance of complex carbohydrates, vegetables, legumes, fruits, and lean proteins.

You can also use healthier cooking methods, such as grilling, steaming, and roasting. You will be in control of what goes into your meals. Restaurants tend to add more salt, sugar, and fats than you would typically add to your dishes. 

Eating at restaurants can tempt you ( I always seem to get the french fries) to overspend and overeat! I challenge you this month to cut back on eating out. Do meal prep on the weekend and set yourself up for a nutritious week. Your brain, body, and wallet will all thank you!

Bess Auer