Greatest Love of All

I believe the children are our are future

Teach them well and let them lead the way

Show them all the beauty they possess inside

Give them a sense of pride to make it easier

Let the children's laughter remind us how we used to be

Everybody searching for a hero

People need someone to look up to

I never found anyone who fulfill my needs

A lonely place to be

And so I learned to depend on me

I decided long ago

Never to walk in anyone's shadows

If I fail, if I succeed

At least I'll live as I believe

No matter what they take from me

They can't take away my dignity

Because the greatest

Love of all is happening to me

I found the greatest

Love of all inside of me

The greatest love of all

Is easy to achieve

Learning to love yourself

It is the greatest love of all

First recorded by George Benson and made into a #1 hit by Whitney Houston.

Going back to when I was about 20 years old I remember hearing this song and being so deeply impacted by the lyrics. As a teenager/young adult I am sure I was longing for the time of innocence. Playing outside with friends in our backyards. We did silly things that made us laugh. Digging for worms in a ditch, playing baseball, kickball, tag, riding bikes, making snowmen or just swinging upside down on the monkey bars

Now getting into those years of wanting to fit in with the “popular” crowd I was making some decisions and choices that were taking me down the wrong path. I stopped having fun, being part of my family was ‘Uncool”. Hanging out with circles of kids who were one to two years older than me pushed me to try to fit in by succumbing to drugs, smoking cigarettes drinking and being the life of the party.

I did not love myself. But Whitney Houston and the lyrics she sang made me want to change. At the time I was living in Miami with my boyfriend after failing out of my freshman year of college. This song made my cry big salty tears. They were tears of hope. Knowing the only way to get out and make something of myself was to begin the process of believing in ME> I needed to stop blaming others for my failures. They were mine and it was time to own up to the fact that I was in charge of my destiny. I needed to find my way back to the beautiful, playful, happy child who loved to be outside running, playing and singing out loud. That was everything to me.

The thrill and adventure of life is there waiting for each one of us.  No one is YOU. And that is your superpower! Superheros are often faced with tough choices.  Today is your TIME to START making the powerful choices.   The truth is you are here for a reason. You are here to do great things and you have greatness inside of you. To dig deep down and understand that the view from the front windshield is 10 x greater than the rearview mirror. Your vision is greater than your circumstances and your purpose is greater than your challenges. Stop looking backwards. Your life isn't there anymore. You can't change the past, but you can find focus, optimism and gratitude in the present to create your future.

Though the twists and turns we will find our calling. We are all born with a special gift. Tapping into the whispers and realizing this is where the magic is found.

In the Circuit of Health and Wellness there are 6 WIRES.

The wires include: Mindset, Physical Being, Circle of Genius, Financial, Adventure and Legacy.

They are filled with electricity, energy and vitality ! When they are firing on all 6 cylinders we truly have entered that proverbial  telephone booth and BAM come out living as the  superhero of our own lives.

We are all wired differently, and will move at our own pace. No matter what your speed it is mandatory to keep monitoring where you are on your circuit. Taking inventory provides insight into yourself; it offers you encouragement as you see the areas in which you have grown; and it challenges you with new areas for growth and development.

So are you ready to LEAP into your superpowers? Remember these lines from the song.

“ I decided long ago

Never to walk in anyone's shadows

If I fail, if I succeed

At least I'll live as I believe

No matter what they take from me

They can't take away my dignity”

Are you ready to take a look at your life with your eyes wide open? If you said “hell yes” then let’s GO!

P.S. The Greatest Love of All is on a bunch of my playlists. And when it comes on, watch out if you are in close range.My  favorite  time for belting out any song is when the top is down in my car. This voice of mine is not pretty and I will belt it out at the tippy top of my lungs:) #noapology

judi isaacson